Will Preparation Attorney Albuquerque

When planning, creating a will, be fully aware it is a critically vital action you can do for your loved ones. Drafting a proper will empowers you to ensure your final wishes, offering your family clear guidance for navigating life after you're gone.

Though it may seem morbid, not having a plan in place can lead to unnecessary struggles for those you leave behind.

That's why connecting with an experienced estate planning attorney is so valuable - they can help ensure your final will accurately capture your wishes and withstand potential legal challenges.

Why Work with A Will Attorney?

It's understandable to want to save money by creating a homemade will. But do-it-yourself documents often need to capture the precise legal language required. A do-it-yourself Will may open the door to different interpretations of your wishes later. With clear direction, the court steps in to handle asset distribution - and the outcome may be different from what you would have wanted for your loved ones.

Having an attorney assist you eliminates these risks. They ensure your will abides by New Mexico laws and include legally sound language. Going this route with your will gives your family the peace of mind of knowing challenges are less likely, and your hard-earned assets will go to those you intend.

The Benefits of Having Properly Drafted Wills

At the Law Office of Anthony Griego, LLC, our personable team has over a decade of experience of practicing law in the state of New Mexico. We take the time to understand your family dynamics, financial situation, and legacy goals when crafting a customized plan that meets your needs.

  • Life changes.
  • Children grow up.
  • New family members enter the picture.

That's why your will shouldn't be static - as your situation evolves, your estate plan should adapt.

Revisiting your will with an attorney every few years enables you to modify details as needed. You can allocate more funds to education costs if grandchildren have arrived or shift asset distribution if new charitable interests have developed.

No matter how solid it may seem today, even the most well-crafted will can become outdated. Working with a lawyer periodically lets you reassess and make updates, keeping it current with where you are.

How to Make Important Updates to Your Will as Your Life Changes

A person's will is not a static document that the person cannot change. You may need to amend your estate plan when your life circumstances change. Major life events like marriage, divorce, new children, or buying property can affect how you want your assets handled.

Review your will every few years to see if any updates are needed. Set a reminder on your calendar so it doesn't slip your mind.

Some logical factors to update your will include:

  • Getting married or entering a domestic partnership
  • Going through a divorce
  • Welcoming a new child through birth or adoption
  • Purchase of a new home or significant asset
  • Sale of existing property mentioned in your will.
  • Changes in the power of attorney designations
  • Altering an inheritance for a child or loved one.
  • Revising funeral and burial instructions

Use a simple amendment or supplement to make minor changes to your will. More complex revisions may require rewriting your will completely. My legal team can guide you through this process and make the necessary document adjustments.

Keeping your will current ensures it accurately reflects your wishes as your family and assets change. I recommend reviewing it at least once every 3-5 years. You may contact my office anytime to review or revise your existing plan.

Work with A Trusted New Mexico Attorney

Though do-it-yourself kits may seem tempting, I always recommend having an experienced estate planning lawyer help draft your will. The intricate legal language involved is tricky for non-lawyers to get right. Even minor technical errors can invalidate parts of your will or create unintended consequences.

Think of your will attorney as your translator - you provide your wishes, and we craft the legal framework to support those desires. This action guarantees the execution of your final wishes, ensuring your estate settles as planned.

The Will-Creation Process in Albuquerque

Here's an overview of what the will-drafting process looks like working with my law firm:

  1. Initial consultation: We'll have an in-depth discussion about your family, assets, intentions for inheritance distribution, and other estate planning concerns.
  2. Document preparation: I'll use the information from our meeting to custom-design legal documents that account for all possible scenarios and contingencies.
  3. Review meeting: We'll reconvene to review the drafts together and make any revisions or clarifications necessary.
  4. Signing: Once finalized, you'll sign the executable documents with two adult witnesses and a notary public per New Mexico law.
  5. Document storage: I will provide you with several original copies - one for your records, one for your executor, and one kept in my office vault.

Throughout the process, my goal is to eliminate guesswork and technical mistakes so you will accurately capture your wishes and stand up legally. Lean on my expertise so you can have peace of mind.

Get Started Today with A Free Will Consultation

Planning for the inevitable while you're still healthy and of sound mind is a gift to your loved ones. An organized estate plan spares them painful legal headaches and fights over your property after you've gone.

Estate planning could be more fun to think about. But the turmoil improper planning - or no planning - can unleash on a family. Please don't wait until it's too late.

Contact us today at 505-417-2729 or complete our online Contact Us form to schedule a consultation. Let's get started securing your legacy.

Will Preparation Attorney Albuquerqu - The Law Office of Anthony Griego LLC

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