New Mexico Order of Protection Attorney
When you need protection from domestic violence, the Law Office of Anthony Griego, LLC is a powerful ally in Albuquerque. More than just skilled at obtaining Orders of Protection, they understand the emotional complexities that often underlie family law cases during turbulent times like divorce or child custody disputes.
This compassionate understanding allows us to fully support clients seeking safety through legal means.
Orders of Protection can be vital shields when tensions escalate within a home. Also called Restraining Orders, they are court-ordered measures that restrict or control abusive behavior from a partner or household member. The attorneys at the Law Office of Anthony Griego, LLC are well-versed in the nuances involved in securing these protective orders.
The Order of Protection Process
The team at the Law Office guides clients through the step-by-step process, whether assisting with a Temporary Order or a Permanent Order of Protection.
Temporary Orders can be issued swiftly, without a lengthy hearing. They provide emergency protection, setting immediate restrictions and boundaries, enforced by law.
Permanent Orders extend protective measures long-term, typically imposing no contact rules and other restraints for six months to a year. In some cases, Permanent Orders can compel the abuser to fully vacate a shared home.
Who Does Qualify for Protection?
A key legal consideration is determining what constitutes a household member under the law. Household relationships span beyond marital and familial bonds. The attorneys carefully examine the specifics of each domestic situation to ensure orders cover all vulnerable parties.
More than Just Legal Expertise
The team at the Law Office understands the emotional turbulence victims experience. They provide compassion alongside practical guidance, fully committed to each client’s safety and wellbeing.
Immediate Help If Facing Danger
If ever in imminent physical danger, your immediate priority is contacting the local authorities. But for ongoing protection, legal advocacy, understanding ears, and practical next steps, the Law Office of Anthony Griego, LLC provides critical support during traumatic circumstances. Their knowledge and genuine care for clients sets them apart.
What Does a Restraining Order Guard Against?
Beyond the legal jargon, Orders of Protection, commonly termed Restraining Orders, serve a vital purpose – they shield victims against domestic abuse and harassment. Specific restraints imposed by these court orders can include:
- Requiring the abuser to fully vacate a shared residence.
- Prohibiting any form of contact, whether in-person, phone, digital, written
- Preventing the abuser from coming within a specified distance of the victim
Judges can customize restrictions based on the unique circumstances of each dangerous situation. Violating the imposed rules equates to contempt of court, a punishable offense.
Besides contact constraints, abusers can be barred from possessing firearms while an Order remains in effect. This removes lethal weapons from unstable hands during volatile times.
Why Restraining Orders Get Issued
For a protective order to be instated, the petitioner must demonstrate they suffered domestic violence or harassment from a household member. Household relationships encompass more than legal spouses – it covers domestic partners, relatives, and even roommates or acquaintances in some scenarios.
Once the immediacy of danger passes, some victims hesitate, questioning if protective measures are necessary long-term. But toxic situations rarely resolve without intervention. And statistically, the most dangerous time for victims is when attempting to leave an abusive relationship. Restraining Orders offer enforceable protection throughout that vulnerability gap.
Temporary vs Permanent Restraining Orders
Two types of orders exist – Temporary and Permanent. Both carry legal power, but function differently.
Temporary Restraining Orders:
Temporary Orders address emergency scenarios. They are granted based on a sworn statement by the party seeking a restraining order indicating that violence has occurred, or that a violation under the Family Violence Protection Act has occurred. A judge can issue these swiftly, without delay for an evidentiary hearing. Restrictions imposed take immediate effect.
Temporary Restraining Orders remain active until the court date to assess if the situation warrants longer-term protection. The initial hearing must happen within 10-14 days of issuing a Temporary Order.
Permanent Restraining Orders:
Unlike Temporary Orders, Permanent Orders only get issued after evaluating strong supporting evidence during a court hearing. The respondent has a chance to contest allegations if they choose.
Violating any active restraining order instantly becomes a punishable crime. The court considers both temporary and permanent orders binding and enforceable. Anyone served with restrictive rules must fully comply, or face prosecution, jail time, fines, and other penalties. The court treats violations seriously.
It’s Now or Never
Beyond the raw fear in the moment, domestic violence shatters people’s ability to feel safe long-term. The attorneys at the Law Office of Anthony Griego, LLC understand those emotional components. They provide compassionate guidance tailored for each unique situation.
When you have sound legal advice and genuine emotional support, the Law Office helps victims regain security and stability going forward. Their expertise makes them the right choice for anyone seeking a restraining order attorney in the Albuquerque region. And their integrity and care extend support beyond just legal protection. Call our office today at 505-417-2729 or complete our Contact Us form.

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